I manifested a life of working online in three different countries and staying in beautiful accommodations.
I lived in New Zealand for 2 months in a house with a back gate opening onto a beach.
I then popped back home to Australia for a week to pat the doggos and then headed to Bali for a month and stayed in a cool villa with our own private pool and huge living areas, with the beach just at the end of the street.
I have really enjoyed growth in my business and achieving my goals and stepping into my healing gifts that are bringing my clients even more blessings and change in their lives.
I have made some new treasured friends with women who are also in the healing business which has been such a gift.
All the while I experienced growth in my personal life – expanding myself to be even more in my Greatness
Looking back, I think I can confidently say I’m pretty hot at this manifesting thing.
This week, I’m visioning what 2023 will look like.
Once upon a time, my vision for my future looked more like a survivors list.
Get a home
Get rid of this crappy man
Find another job
This list was a continuous pattern for years of falling into unhealthy relationships and never feeling stable or safe to be me.
In some ways, I put myself first in unhealthy ways – like choosing relationships that were feeding a desperate part of me that wanted his love….. because the need for love from the worst kind of men would mean I might even be loveable and worthy.
But mostly, I put my needs on the back burner and even sacrificed my values to prove I was everything he wanted in hopes of getting some love back.
Shifting energy first means you need to stop the patterns and cycles that keep you trapped in where you are now. Then DECIDE what it is you need to be, do, and believe.
Breaking patterns takes a big leap of faith and some tough decisions.
It takes a big vision and determination.
It requires you to hold on tight and not give up when it feels uncomfortable.
Because when we walk through the flames, we become the fire
We get to take control of our life rather than just letting shit happen.
I speak to many women who tell me a ‘hopeful wish’ for their lives but the ones who work with me and create radical change in their lives are the women who go all in on her life
She is fed up with the repetitive cycle and is focused on doing what it takes to BE the woman she wants to be.
She has decided – she quits putting everything before herself and decides this time it’s about her. Her healing is her investment and she’s cashing in on the return in ways she never knew were possible.
She is committed to doing the work and she is seeing the results. She manifests next-level awesomeness in her life rather than survival goals.
What do you want 2023 to look like?
Are you prepared to go a step further than a “wait and see” approach?
Or will you waste another year hoping and praying and expecting others to change so then you can be happy?
Are you prepared to make your life your business and take it back with both hands?
It’s a choice you need to make for you!
Find me here to find out how I healed my life and am leading women to join me in rising to a destined life of passion and fulfilment.
Fierce love